Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Ainsley's Back


I'm sort of dragging tonight, so forgive me if I'm not providing deep thoughts.

But, then again, we all need to check out, right? Not everything needs to be profound.

Then again, hold on. Wait a sec.

Ten years ago, I barely knew a coworker of mine named Susan. We'd chat online via instant messenger, especially if she wanted to pass along knowledge about something in Wilton, given I was a reporter in that town.

Eventually, of course, I'd start HAN Radio/Network and she was a huge sounding board for all of that.

Anyway, no need to ramble about knowing her, except to give you the foundation of how I came to know that she was an incredible reporter, editor, and writer (not necessarily in that order). I've long been dazzled by her writing talent. I've even occasionally asked her to edit this trainwreck of a blog. Generally speaking, she has demurred.

But as we got to know each other, she told me about being a published author. To that end, I learned of her book, The Blacksmith. At the time it was an ebook and I quickly downloaded it.

What you need to know is that horror and goth aren't normally my style. I'm a reader of sports, music, and travel as well as a fierce consumer of current events, which sadly means social media in 2024. But what is also my style is supporting my friends and loved ones.

So, I downloaded it and sat down one night to read it.

I was entrenched. Flabbergasted. Mesmerized. Enchanted. Titilated.

Susan created a world with her lead character, Ainsley that produced all of those emotions.

I thought it was great and nothing in my mind has changed that opinion.

Susan has added to her Tales From the Graveyard series since then and has also published two books of poetry. I have such admiration for her because I know how personal this is.

She also remains a fierce lover of storytelling, though her journalism has evolved into the marketing side of things. Still, she has interviewed a wide range of people. 

Since then, she has given Ainsley a reboot, publishing a physical copy of The Blacksmith and I'm so proud to say I have a copy.

Of course, I'm sort of afraid to sleep now with Ainsley in the house but I don't sleep much anyway.

Still, I have to watch my back.

I know Susan would be thrilled if you brought Ainsley into your world. I purchased it on Amazon and I've also seen Barnes and Noble has it as well.

I guarantee you'll enjoy it.

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