Thursday, June 27, 2024

Three Days to Go


Soon (even if we're not renting a truck)

I know, I know.

Everyone moves (generally) at some point in their lives.

So we've all packed up, cleaned out, handed off one set of keys, and taken another one.

The clock is ticking toward June 28 -- a few days to the end of the month -- and I still have no firm date on when Sean and I can drop anchor in our new port.

This much I am -- sort of -- sure of: we will spend July 1 in our new home.

Beyond that, the left doesn't seem to know what the right is doing.

I got a text earlier today from Gideon, our trusty realtor (and my boss at WGCH). He said the broker wanted me to call the existing tenant of thew soon-to-be home of Adams.

"Um, OK," I said. "Why? What am I calling about?"

Supposedly it was about utilities.

"Huh. OK. Well, I've already spoken with Eversouce and they know to switch our account to the new place on July 1."

Gideon was impressed that I was on top of things (readers of this very piece of real estate already knew this). Electric and internet/TV were both taken care of on Tuesday, with a follow-up call to Verizon on Wednesday to confirm things.

So, we're set, even if I'm not confident things will work when we arrive.

But, of course, the landlord wants to clean and paint before we start moving in.

Cool. Maybe.

We're still moving in on the July 1, right? I mean, I'd like to get cracking immediately that day and I want my moving crew (currently numbered at three others) to get here ASAP without us waiting for a key.

I mean, I was coerced into signing the lease, and paying all of the rent and security weeks ago without delay or risk losing the place. Like, serious nagging.

(Hint: nagging isn't wise with me)

So when do I get what I want, like the key?

Knowing the answer, since we're paid for July 1, I still inquired about being allowed to move in.

I got an affirmative.

So, OK, then. Exactly when will the key be handed to me?

And thus, I'm back to waiting again for an answer. Sunday -- June 30 --  seems acceptable and, yes, we're still waiting.

You see, I've been in a holding pattern on several things. I've alluded to this recently. And I'm really sort of sick of it. As in, end of my rope sick of it.

Several situations have just sort of not come back to me and I need one of them to do so.

So, again, in the meantime, I continue to pack a bit. I continue to get toward the bare necessities here.

We'll get into the final packing over the weekend.

It's not unlike me to go to the apartment at 12:01 a.m. on Monday and drop off a carload of stuff.

But it's more likely I'll wait until after 6 a.m.

Maybe. After all, do you really think I'll sleep much on Sunday night?


I used to really dig presidential politics. 

No longer.

I'm not watching tonight.


The kerfuffle caused by Michael Kay yesterday was honestly much ado about nothing.

No radio/TV outlet is going to turn down advertising money.

Nor are they going to say that the advertiser -- in this case, SNY -- has to redo the commercial to not call their broadcast team "the best in baseball." Of course, SNY thinks their team is the best. That's simple hype. Marketing nonsense. Things that high on their horse social media dopes write about.

Honestly, this is what we're upset about?

Michael didn't like it and decided to defend the Yankees booth. And, look, I get that too. I'd defend my teammates as well.

Personally, I like the Yankees booth (the right combination) and, while the Mets booth is great, I think it's vastly overrated. I think the San Francisco Giants have the best booth, led by the incomparable Jon Miller.

But it's all opinion and who cares? I'll take the Robcasting Radio booth if you want the truth. 

Then the SNY broadcasters had to make fun of Kay and it just all got especially silly. We won't even get into the social media side of it but you can guess where that would wind up.

Besides, Kay isn't even working tonight's broadcast and we're stuck with Ryan Ruocco. Oh, wait. You might be stuck with Ruocco. I'm sitting in a quiet apartment.

Like music, it's all subjective. The Yankees broadcasters can be my warm milk and cookies. They're comfort food. Of course, a fan is going to go to them first.

So what would I thought of it had it happened to me?

If Chris Erway were still around we'd both laugh at it and, likely, mock it.

I recall someone once tried to use the "A-Team" moniker. It didn't go well. We tended to defend our turf.

But laughing is our best approach.

Followed by outworking and outperforming. We liked that kind of challenge.

I don't doubt Kay gets sick of hearing the SNY booth is "so much better" than YES. It would bug me and, like I said, I would also defend my coworkers.

That's not to say his approach was a good one on his radio show. But, that being said, it brought him attention. Is that good? Depends on opinions.

But I thought Michael's dropping a bottle of Diet Coke in a garbage can years ago in reference to mocking Mike Francesa was a bit eye-rolling.

So, perhaps, is this.

Just work hard. You have the gig. The Yankees gig.

You win.

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