Monday, June 17, 2024

Ready to Bust a Move


I'm a bit impatient right now.

Call me Veruca Salt, minus the spoiled petulance. Oh, and I'm nowhere near as greedy, selfish, and demanding.

So, maybe not. Maybe I'm more like SpongeBob.

But we're now inside of two weeks until the great 10-minute move of 2024 and I want to start moving!

It might be a five-minute drive. It all depends on traffic.

We've pretty much set our game plan, and we'll accept help.

All we're waiting for is the "okey dokie" to start bringing things over. I'm content to bring boxes for the basement for now. I just want to feel like we're making progress.

If (and when) the apartment is ready, I'll start diving into the nitty gritty. Basically, by Sunday night, June 30, I want us to be down to the bare minimum here. I want there to be some food, soap, a couple of towels, fresh clothes, and a place to sleep. Heck, if the beds get moved before July 1 I'll happily sleep on an air mattress.

Beyond that, I'm content to be left with the "big stuff," meaning dressers and the love seat and other things that will get loaded either onto a trailer or a pickup truck.

Unlike moving out of Mahopac two years ago, this will mean several trips to and from our new place.

Additionally, a difference between the 2022 move here and this is that The Cat won't stay in the new place before we do.

That whole process still sits in my brain. I was just as anxious about that move, if not more. We didn't have much advance time to move in. We thought we might have some but the timing just didn't work out, so we started moving on Mon, 5/23/22. We did one full truckload, along with a pickup truck and a carload.

Then we unloaded here. That was it for the day. We reloaded the next day with a trailer load, a pickup truck, and a car.

We had to be out by the of Tuesday night. We got it done.

After unloading, I went back for the last car load, including The Cat.

He stayed in the apartment, despite my booking a pet-friendly hotel. I stayed in the hotel and tried to not think.

I finally stayed here officially on Wed, May 25, 2022.

Being able to bring things over -- next week is what I'm being told -- should allow us to get a lot over there and ensure that we'll be done by the night of July 1.

There are plenty of things for me to worry about, including the weather. The predicted temperatures for this week are brutal, with the mercury skying into the high 90s. 

A quick glance -- two weeks away -- shows high 70s and rain for July 1.

So what would you prefer? Rain but a cooler temperature of clear and sticky?

And then it's the plotting of where the furniture will go and what goes in storage and so on.

It will get here soon enough and I know that. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to move forward. I've waited long enough for so many things. In fact, I feel like I'm in a constant state of being patient.

So I don't want to wait any longer.

There are things to pack and move to a new home.

With apologies to Veruca (and lyricists Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley)

I want the boxes
I want to move stuff
Electronics and food and clothes aren't enough
But right not it's tough
And now
Don't care how
I want to move now!

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