Wednesday, June 19, 2024



The face the Yankees need?

If you missed yesterday's post (and the brief note added later), I worked an overnight deposition.

Most of them in the past had been over by roughly 4:30 a.m. 

This one ended just after 6:00 a.m.

I quickly finished my paperwork, uploaded the files, and was in bed by 6:15. I was able to get maybe three hours of sleep. 

I also grabbed a nap later on before heading to Mount Kisco for The Clubhouse.

It's now just after 10 p.m. and I'm done with everything. Therefore, I can sleep.

With no disrespect intended, I struggled to find energy for the show tonight but I admit tonight's show was exactly what I needed.

It wasn't stuffed with guests, though we did have our friend Rob Labritz on. Rob is an outstanding human being and a wonderful golfer on the Champions Tour. The golf world has really taken to him and he joined us from Endicott, NY where he's getting ready to play in the Dick's Sporting Goods Open.

But, otherwise, it was an easy show of conversation and laughs. Willie Mays obviously was a big part of the conversation.

Willie is obviously an all-time great, and I withheld most of my opinions as the tributes poured today. But you won't change my mind that Babe Ruth is the greatest player of them all.

When we get together to do the show, nostalgia is a fun part of the evening, especially at the post-show dinner, in which TV theme songs stand out. Tonight, we got into trying to remember TV lineups on a network for a particular year.

Dave Torromeo and Mark Jeffers both did a solid job of remembering the 1972 Friday night schedule on ABC, for instance.

In case you wonder where I come up with the worthless information in my brain, it's reading things like that. The Brady Bunch and The Partridge Family were part of that Friday night lineup, in case you're wondering.

And so I am back home, listening to the Yankees who are on the verge of losing to the Orioles at the Stadium.

More to the point, I'm ready to shut down and go to bed.

Oh, I'm exhausted, no question. I could barely speak while doing the show earlier. But I'm glad to have survived the day without issues with driving, for instance. 

And the Yankees lost, so I guess my plan to adopt the Hamburglar is over.

Time for bed.

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