Sunday, June 09, 2024

Then I'm Movin' Out


Some of the boxes waiting to go

For the two or three (and that might be generous) who loyally follow this space, you know we announced the end of the Apartment Chase 2024 on Friday.

I've been nibbling at doing some packing over the last month but was anxious to dive in Friday night after things were finalized. Yet, it was Friday night, and a bit late at that point.

Of course, I spent all of yesterday in New Jersey. Not Connecticut, for the record.

Oh, I have thoughts about the state championship broadcasts in Connecticut this weekend. Not because I watched them but because friends sent me things.

Admittedly, yesterday took a lot out of me and I was up early to do "Meet the Beatles." 

But I also wasn't going to miss the opportunity to make some progress. I'm too anxious about it.

So I used the opportunity to drag down some bins and start packing up the clothes that I likely won't be wearing before we move.

I mean, honestly, I don't expect to need heavier sweatshirts and other long-sleeve items since the temperature will be climbing into the high 80s over the next few days.

It also allowed me the chance to take some things out to donate them. There will be some reduction between donating and throwing some things out.

To that end, I do have some electronics that I would be willing to part with. I know I have too many mixers and I'm sure there are some broadcasters who could use such a thing. Inquire within.

There's still a lot to think about with everything. I glance at the pictures I took of the new apartment occasionally to plot where we want to place the furniture. I've laid out my bedroom in my mind somewhat but of course, it will soon become a reality in three weeks.

The same goes with the kitchen and living room and Sean has an idea of what he wants to do with his room.

But this process is also about not getting ahead of ourselves. So I'm trying to pack the things that aren't necessary between now and July 1.

I'm also trying to assemble things for ease of moving for not only us but for those helping us.

From there, it's a question of if we need to rent anything. We have to figure out what vehicles we'll have and if a rental van or truck will be necessary.

If I have any hesitancy, it's due to the width of our driveway and realizing we'd have to unpack from the street. Remembering what it was like with a truck when we moved in here, I'm cognizant of what is involved.

Greenwich streets can be narrow and, in places, have a low clearance where railroad tracks are concerned.

But, according to Google, we're moving 1.4 miles away. It's not the 38 miles we moved back in 2022. We only got one truckload done that day before having to do it again the next day.

I'd like to think we'll move much more this time in a day.

But I'm anxious. I'd like to start moving stuff now.

Or soon.

Or even in the days before July 1.

Who am I kidding? I don't want to wait until July 1.

My goal is to make this transition as smooth as possible for everyone.

But, as I packed up boxes of books, assessed what we had in the attic, reviewed the clothes, and addressed things in the kitchen, my back decided to speak up.

That's when Sean yelled at me for overdoing it.

I had already decided to stop before he spoke up.

The process is just heating up.

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