Friday, June 28, 2024

Back to Packing


Sean is working with the Renegades this week, while I've elected to stay back and pack up.

This was the game plan, especially when we thought we'd have to move by July 1. We got a break when that changed to August 1. 

But, in the meantime, we obviously found a place and, as Babe Ruth is my witness, we'll be in it on July 1.

Our ace moving crew is ready. As we're (again) moving on a Monday, we're blessed to have Kris and Danny* available. 

Obviously, Sean and I will be here as well.

*Inviting Danny is a necessary evil (this part is a joke).

Kris and Danny both said they'd be here basically anytime on Monday morning so get ready because we'll dive right in.

There's one little thing that I'm hoping will be cleared up by then.

As you can imagine, this has been an enormously stressful time. Finding a place and finding the money for the place have both been a challenge.

(That's a hint for anyone reading this that it's time to get little ol' me some more work...preferably something permanent)

But with this process, there have been myriad concerns.

The stress has been both emotional and mental and, in some cases, both.

Late last night -- probably 3:30 or so in the morning -- as I did what a man in his mid-50s does (strolls to the restroom), I felt something move in my back. It wasn't the result of anything that I was doing in that moment.

Immediately, I took something for it and went back to bed.

The good news is I was still able to move and function all day. My back is a little sore but that's about it.

Hopefully, we've dodged a bullet and I'll be fine.

So, while I'm packing, I'm also cognizant of not adding to that.

I didn't carry much in the way of heavy stuff tonight and limited my movements.

I fired up the multiple Alexas around the apartment and listened to Yankees/Blue Jays for the evening. Nice to hear the Bombers remembered how to win. I dare not write any more about baseball because, based on the audience for Wednesday's Derek Jeter post, nobody wants to read it.

Otherwise, I played it safe. I did laundry and cleaned a bit, while trying to keep some lanes open so that we could still walk around.

It was productive, and that's a very good thing.

There will be more of the same tomorrow and Sunday, with Sean working each day. He's got his stuff under control so I'm focusing on everything else as we wrap things up.

Speaking of wrapping, I cleaned up the kitchen, wrapping glasses and mugs up as best as I could, hoping they'd survive the short trip to the new place.

Things were otherwise quiet everywhere else, which means the status quo remains in effect. Still no word on getting, you know, a key.

You can begin to understand why my back decided to freak out.

Packing will continue. 

It's therapeutic.

I need a massage.

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