Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Twitter Attack


A little war broke out on Twitter tonight and I was the target.

It's OK. I started it because I don't believe in everyone getting a trophy.

I think most awards are nonsense and I said so. 

I also think most people are better than searching for that kind of recognition but that's just me. I guess that's also a "generational thing."

My point was totally missed.

As I result, I was told I'm a "boomer." Sure.

So I got attacked.

About my resume.

About getting the Renegades job "just now." (Um...)

About lacking passion for broadcasting. (I mean...really?)

About crying to my "wife." (Yeah. About that...)

Even about my cat. (Oh, OK)

And so on.

It comes with the territory. I fired up the future and the future fought back. The point flew right over them and they just kept attacking.

Yes, it's true. I'm so new to this broadcasting thing.

I only had a neighbor tell me  -- at my mother's funeral -- how into broadcasting I was as a little kid.

Nope, I refused to explain my career to them as they continued to pile on.

I owe no explanation.

I made my career choices due to relationships, a child, family, money, and circumstances.

Could I have gone somewhere else and built the next phase? I don't know. Maybe? Instead I made choices that kept me around New York and Connecticut and called the hell out of every game that came my way.

I didn't have parents who could send me to broadcasting camps. I didn't have the options that exist today. I worked in corporate and did radio on the side.

But again, I owe no explanation.

In this case, some very harsh words were aimed at me, and that's fine. They don't know me -- none of them -- so they don't have the first idea of what's going on.

If anything, some damage was done by some tonight. That's something they probably should have thought about but so it goes.

I've raised a great son. I was here for my mother until the end of my her life. My father's also, for what it's worth. I'm here helping this family transition out of this era.

Do you think I owe an explanation?

I've called moments that I'm incredibly proud of.

I even have awards -- none of which I pursued. In fact, the one time I did pursue it there was a major mix up. But it got me a trip to Boston.

They got their insults in tonight.


I'm good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You got it Rob hit back at those rude little assholes!