Monday, September 05, 2022

A Day With No Labor

He's bored too

Labor Day has arrived and it feels like we're just waiting for the rain.

That's a thing. Good thing? Sure, we need rain since we haven't remotely had enough. Bad thing? Well, yeah, rain can bring on the usual issues. Flooding, etc.

These are the things I'm thinking about on Labor Day, 2022.

The weekend had its own stuff. At one point, I was involved in multiple conversations involving business, personal, and headaches.

With football broadcasting beginning this week for me, that brings its own collection of challenges, thoughts, and babysitting.

And, oh yeah, I was working all weekend for the Renegades.

So, today, I truly honored Labor Day by doing, basically, nothing.

I slept and I was tired and I kept having the urge to fall asleep.

I watched TV. Me! I watched TV! I watched the Yankees beat the Twins. Then I watched old episodes of "The Office." Then I watched a silly movie.

Oh, there were a few text conversations during the day also about -- guess what?!? -- items related to high school football.

I also ate breakfast and threw something together for dinner. The cupboard is pretty bare otherwise.

As I write, I can only think to myself that this day kinds of sounds sad and boring.

Maybe even pathetic.

But here's how I look at it.

I needed to shut down. My body was telling me that.

I had enough food in the house to be fine for the day. The Cat was also fine and has been my constant companion all day.

I needed to basically allow myself to do nothing but read some nonsense on the internet and watch TV.

I have things to do at WGCH tomorrow. I have multiple podcasts to record later in the week and I need to set up other recording sessions. I need to meet with Chris Hunt to go over the script for the upcoming San Francisco conference. 

Then I need to call Greenwich/Newtown on Friday and, hopefully, a Brunswick scrimmage on Saturday.

The point is the week will be busy enough so I can afford this kind of day. I'm so used to being beaten up with guilt if I'm not hyper-busy with ... something ... that I rarely allow myself this. 

So I didn't clean the kitchen. Well, OK, I did the dishes. 

I didn't vacuum.

I didn't start the project to clean the attic or any other project.

The only project I honored today was this one. 

Yet, even then, I thought about what to write because my mind is empty. I didn't want to dig deep tonight. I needed something easy.

And, despite the brilliance of "Seinfeld," nothing is easiest.

Well, this isn't nothing but it's admittedly not a very in-depth post.

But it's going to do for tonight as the rain begins to fall.

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