Sunday, July 14, 2019

And then...Poof

I mowed the lawn today.

I found a dead snake and disposed of it.

I did laundry.

And now I can't remember most of the ideas that I wanted to write about.

There are certain spots where inspiration hits me and, of course, I don't have a place to write things down.

So I walked behind the lawnmower and came up with things that I thought would make for decent posts.

The only thing I can remember is that I wanted to provide an update on Thursday's post about chest pain.

Short update: I'm fine. Longer update: the post was ostensibly about panicking over exactly what I thought it was, which was indigestion.

Several people reached out to me and I'm grateful. It's wonderful to know people care.

But that is literally the only thing I can remember wanting to write about.

However, I hoped that, by writing this, things would start to come back. Sure enough...yes.

But it's now after 11:00, so those ideas can wait for another time.

There are always topics.

They just get forgotten.

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