Thursday, February 14, 2019


A simple concept, really.
It's Valentine's Day.


It's not that I'm against the idea, but like anything else, I don't need a singular day to tell me that I have to love.

Love is quite great, and countless songs have been written on the topic (see above).

Love is also complicated.

It's just that Valentine's Day (© Hallmark) has this inherent pressure built into it. Yes it's quite true that anyone can be ones "valentine" but there are those who think their partner MUST bring home chocolates/jewelry/flowers and various gifts.

How about a bottle of wine, a nice dinner, and watch a movie at home? Is that too hard?

But I'm still an old softie. A romantic at heart.

Love -- and with it, respect -- aren't difficult. People have feelings. They have their hangups and idiosyncrasies. They exist for a reason, whatever that reason may be.

Now try to understand that and work with it.

Holy guacamole, but isn't that at the very foundation of life? Why is this so difficult?

Love today, and be loved. Or just love yourself and what you are.

That's what she said.

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