Friday, February 15, 2019

A Dark Stadium

Looks like a nice place.
I'm sitting outside a dark stadium in Bridgeport, CT right now.

It's under two hours until game time, meaning even less until air time.

Still, after 20 years, I've learned to not panic. It will all be just fine.

But nobody is here.

I'm calling UConn/University of Bridgeport lacrosse. I'm pretty excited for the opportunity, via Local Live.

And a little nervous.

You can watch the game here:

So back to the dark stadium thing.

I've got my audio equipment, computer, rosters, and assorted other items that makes a broadcast come together.

But the stadium is completely locked. So I can't access the booth, even if I wanted to sit in there in the dark.

I'm often asked what time I want people to show up for a game. My answer, generally, is 90 minutes before game (or air) time. Certainly the earlier, the better.

That doesn't mean I can't pull off a broadcast in less. I'm not sure what the least amount of time is that I've thrown things together in. I'm willing to bet Shawn Sailer or Paul Silverfarb or Chris Erway knows.

So as I said, I'm not bothered by this. I would imagine, pretty soon, someone will start unlocking things and the lights will come to life.

I'll go into the booth, a cameraman will show up, and we'll do what we do.

So there's no need for panic or concern.

At least not yet.

(6:19 -- the lights are on. Time to see if I can get in. See? No need to panic.)

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