Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Out of the Darkness Again


So I'm here to say just that.

I'm still here.

I suppose it's fair to say "If you know you know" but I felt I should clarify.


Yeah, things haven't been so great of late but I have a tendency to come out of a funk.

Sometimes it just takes a talk with a friend to relax. Laugh. But, mostly, talk. Be heard. Not judged.

Anyway, here I am. 

Things aren't great. I'm not going to lie but sometimes I need to bottom out.

Oh, and sleep would be nice.

That's the big thing. 

The demons visit then. They stop in when I'm wide awake at 2 a.m.

At that point, I can talk to The Cat but he's not going to help and Sean is likely asleep.

It's my mind messing with me ultimately.

Anyway, it was a tough couple of nights.

Things will turn.

Honestly, the last thing I want is attention, unless that attention brings a job or a place to live or something positive. Beyond that, I'm not angling for pity, debate, or anything else. It's literally storytelling.

I know enough people who look for attention. That's not my thing.

It's clear I shouldn't have written any of these past couple of posts in the first place.

So, we move on.

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