Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Not Giving Up Vs. Reality


Ah yes! That big league job is right there but, BLAST!, 
I'm blocked by the nasty crocodile!

I've always been a realist.

I see things through a pretty honest prism but, at the same time, I can still dream with the best of them.

I'm going to Rhode Island for upwards of 17 baseball games starting tomorrow morning at 10. I'm doing it and I'm getting a place to stay.

Now, I don't focus on this but do I have thoughts sometimes that someone will reach out and say that I'm good? 

That they're going to put me in touch with Harold Bigwig of Bigwig University and the Bigwig Bandits?

That maybe more work or a new home might emerge?

Sure. I'm very human in that regard.

I've never given up on a dream.

In some ways, I've had success like that. Through various positions over the years, I've received offers for more game broadcasts to working with different groups to joining Hunt Scanlon and becoming their conference moderator and podcast host.

But I'm also realistic that, due to decisions and paths that I chose in my life, I'm likely not going to ascend to some "top-level" job.

Instead, I take every job that I do and try to make it sound "top-level."

Professional broadcasts. That's been my goal since the day I started.

From there I enjoy the journey.

There comes a point where, while not giving up, one has to be realistic. OK, you didn't get that job -- I have my own stories, thanks -- but that doesn't mean to keep moaning about it on social media.

You won't quit. Cool, neither will I. Nor have I. That's why we keep grinding in this business.

But I'm still realistic. And I still relish every broadcast, no matter how "low level" some think it is.

I continue to say the egos in broadcasting have actually reached a dangerous level. Or it's just people I see.

There are many jobs that I looked into that I didn't get for one reason or another. Heck, I often think of the position in Allentown, PA I interviewed for back in the early 90s. If I get that, who knows what my life would have been like? Oh, and it wasn't a broadcasting job.

Instead, I didn't get the job.

There are broadcasting gigs that I thought were absolute "no-brainers." There was no way I wouldn't get at least an interview and, yet, I never got an interview.

But that's life. The hiring manager either had someone already in mind or there was some other reason. So often, it really isn't about you.

Or sometimes it is and maybe, of course, you simply weren't good enough.

It's funny. I had that very conversation yesterday with someone about that. I asked about a position and how I might not have deserved it. They emphatically disagreed with the take.

But, alas, again that's life. It happens.

Whining about it online simply looks bad in the long run and I know a thing or two about misplaying a comment.

Oh, I was much better behaved today I'll have you know.

You simply can't be Peter Pan forever. There's no need to quit but there's no need to harp on it either. Focus on the next broadcast, term paper, Excel spreadsheet, sales meeting, or whatever it is.

I'm buckling down to drive to Rhode Island tomorrow and do the best I can to describe these games for the fans and families who deserve the best coverage.

I'll be on the road early. I do love a good early morning road trip.

Of course, there's still the issue of finding a deli that's open before 6 a.m. around here.

But no worries. I have bigger things to focus on.

Like the Bigwig Bandits.

Oh, wait. That's right.

Waterford and Cranston at 10 a.m. on robcasting.mixlr.com

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