Monday, July 31, 2023

Comfort Food


On Interstate 77

We woke up this morning in West Virginia.

We've ended the day in North Carolina.

So, if you've been keeping track, we've reached just outside of Fayetteville from Greenwich by driving through New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia.

Hardly our standard path but it's made for a great adventure.

West Virginia turned out to be a gorgeous drive, including the majestic New River Gorge Bridge.

It was just one of those things that I feel lucky to have seen. Friends have spoken about it so many times and our path carried us to the bridge where we were able to view it from the visitors center.

More of the view near the New River Gorge Bridge

Virginia was always a nice drive with some beautiful views along Interstate 77 before we crossed into North Carolina.

We were in my niece's yard before 3 p.m.

I've said it before and it is worth repeating. We're here because we all get along and it's amazingly comfortable. It feels like home to us every time.

Plus we're comfortable in this area.

So this is where we'll be for a few days.

To avoid my going back out after driving all day -- something I don't mind doing -- my niece decided to make dinner.

And she too me on an emotional journey.

She made the combination of sauce and meatballs that were the combined effort of my mom and my aunt.

I'd say both are smiling tonight.

As am I.

We've driven over 1200 miles since Friday with more to come.

But we're taking tonight easy.

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