Friday, October 22, 2021

Trying To Stay Awake


It's 3:35 a.m. as I begin typing. 

I've been up since 2:05 -- though I've been up on and off for hours.

So, as promised, here we are.

I've already vacuumed, in case you were wondering. 

I've shaved.

I'm sipping cup of coffee number one.

I've also heard a rumor that the deposition will be four hours. Now, that could be four hours total or four hours on the record.

My understanding is that all of us on this job are either in Eastern time zone in the US or in Europe.

Keep in time I'm legally not allowed to tell you other details of the job in question, so I've tried to explain the basics. I'm the videographer for a court deposition online.

It's more mentally taxing than one might think but I'm quite sure there are some that look down on the gig.

Frankly, I'm fairly good at it, mostly because of my technical ability and my ability to multitask.

I'll never try to say that it's physical labor or compare it. Honestly, why does everything have to be compared? We do hypotheticals all the time, and they're fun (Beatles or Stones? Elton John or Billy Joel?) but, in truth, we normally don't have to choose, do we?

(Incidentally, the correct answers for me would be The Beatles and Billy Joel but you already knew that.)

It is otherwise pitch dark outside and I honestly want to get ready and go away. A road trip. Somewhere.

I haven't driven all the way to Florida since 1989. I'd like to do that again. The closest I've been to hitting the Florida border on the road was maybe a little over three hours in Jan 2012 when I drove to Charleston.

Where else would I go? Anywhere with open roads and good food and things to see.

Incidentally, The Cat is keeping me company, though he's currently burrowed under the quilt on the bed to my left.

While I'm basically throwing thoughts on the screen, please also understand in no way am I looking for attention or pity or, basically, anything for what I do. I do this mostly for fun. I started this thing 15 years ago because I wanted to try my hand at it. When I committed (finally, after numerous false starts) to the post-per-day concept, it meant coming up with content every day/night. Sometimes that commitment is tougher than others.

Some nights it's a travel log.

Some nights it's a slice of life.

Some nights it's just an outlet to scream or talk.

Some nights it's serious and other nights it's not.

There are no rules.

With that said, I've vacuumed, had coffee, cleaned a toilet, talked to the cat, petted the car, turned the lights on in the living room (it's helping me mentally as if there's life in the house), and stayed dedicated to the job at hand.

I'm hoping for a few hours of sleep later before I pull everything together to go to Trumbull. Greenwich, frankly, has a big game today against the Eagles who are always good hosts for us.

I've taken a few breaks from writing since I've started but I'm now looking at 4:54 on the clock.

Daylight will start peeking through soon.

I should be miles down the road. Maybe in New Jersey or Pennsylvania or somewhere else.

Which reminds me, my passport should be on the week (fairly) soon. I'm getting a new one, long after my first one expired. Big travel on the docket for 2022.

But for now? Just staying awake for this job before I make the short commute to bed.

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