Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Stro Liked My Tweet


I've got, basically, nothing tonight and it has zero to do with baseball.

So I'm going to leave you with a short tale from last night.

Oh, last night sucked. No doubt about that. I wound up working the whole night, including during the wild card game.

I didn't hear any of it (at least not live though I'm aware of the blown home run calls) and I'd step out of the office to check on one of the two TVs where I had the game on occasionally.

So I saw it but I didn't see all of it.

I followed (and, sadly, engaged) with a lot of online nonsense and I stand by my post from yesterday. If anything, fans proved my point.

But, still, congratulations to the Red Sox on a well-earned, dominant win. The Yankees have questions to answer.

One of the tweets that kept popping up was that of (of all people) Marcus Stroman. He live-tweeted the game. Now, while I don't follow him, the tweets still jumped on my timeline.

He was fantastic and I retweeted one of them to say that.

The tweet got two likes.

Including Stroman.


On that note, I'm going to watch Cardinals/Dodgers and hope things are better tomorrow.

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