Monday, October 25, 2021

Boring Day


Even he's bored.

I know you know the song "Lovely Day." It's in lots of commercials lately. Performed by the great Bill Withers, it's the back end of the chorus is the iconic part of the song.

A lovely day (lovely day, lovely day, lovely day, lovely day)

(Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day, lovely day)

A lovely day (lovely day, lovely day, lovely day, lovely day)

(Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day, lovely day)

Well, today is a boring day (boring day, boring day, boring day, boring day).

When you rely on freelance jobs, you're bound to hit lulls.

So I worked all night Thursday into Friday, then called Greenwich/Trumbull on Friday and Brunswick/Andover on Saturday.

Sunday was a catch-up around the house and a chance to sleep. 

Today? No jobs. 

So Sean and I went to the grocery store and I did "Doubleheader." Otherwise, it was a quiet day.

Or boring.

It will pick up with an insane end to the week, as I've got a lot of games on the horizon. There might be upwards of six (!) soccer games before the end of Sunday as it looks like I've been tagged to call the New York Section 1 girls soccer championships.

Down the road, I think I'm also going to get to call some Section 1 football titles as well. If I can't call the FCIAC Championship (damn you, Connecticut), well...

OK, let's stay on that. I realize my name is dirt in other parts of Connecticut for numerous reasons and one of them is because I continue to believe in the FCIAC Championship. Look, I called 11 of them between 2000-2015 and they were a blast. So, can you blame me? They meant so much to the people around Fairfield County. It was always a crowded, boisterous atmosphere. 

Other conferences had championship games but, somehow, the FCIAC just seemed to be another level.

Anyway, I won't babble anymore about that.

In fact, that's enough babbling for tonight.

It's a boring day.

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