Wednesday, October 27, 2021

National Black Cat Day


As I feel like I've hit a bit of a writing dead end, I have to allow myself to occasionally just go with a picture. Maybe I can be inspired by that image and break it down some. Maybe it needs to just be the image itself.

I have to allow myself to not be "OK," you know?

Today is National Black Cat Day and I, of course, have a black cat. Depending on the mood, his name is Rascal. Or Squeaky. Or "The Beast" (you have to see him to understand). Or "Walter" (from the Chevy commercial).

Here's the thing about "Walter." Sean and I often tell Rascal, "You're a cat!"

As if he doesn't know it.

But it's a running gag, as we often beg Rascal to change. "Be a dog today!" I've said to him.

So when the "Walter" commercial came out, it made Sean and I laugh that much harder. Add in that the Renegades played it every night before home games. You better believe -- every night -- Sean and I stopped what we were doing and listened as the man in the commercial announced that there wasn't anything special about Walter the Cat. We've seen Walter the Cat wrangle cows and help with hunting and other things.

The man looks at another gentleman in the commercial, who has been admiring Walter and not his, ahem, Chevy Silverado pickup truck.

"What's so great about him? He doesn't have a workspace," our man says.

The other man, fishing pole in hand, looks befuddled as Walter's human responds.

"He's a cat."

He then tells Walter to go get some firewood.

I've told Rascal to do the same. Or to go to the grocery store. Or do the laundry or dishes or mow the lawn.

Alas, he won't.

He's a cat.

Blurry pic that was too funny to not share. Because he's a cat.

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