Friday, July 15, 2022

Fans Behaving Badly. Again.


I don't care who started it.

Or who ended it.

Or who is really at fault though I suppose I care a bit about that.

I have no dog in the fight.

But I'll tell you this: youth sports are just that. 



Little League, Babe Ruth, High School, American Legion, basketball, football, hockey, lacrosse, etc etc etc.

And that's who and what it's about. The kids.

I've heard two tales involving two different games over the past, yep, two days.

The participants aren't really important. I like the teams and towns involved.

But it makes my blood boil when I hear about youth sports -- especially good games -- being impacted by some knuckleheads.

Or "jackmuffin." I created that one today and I quite like it. 

I don't care if it's a kid, a teenager, a college student, or an adult. If they're not on the field of play, they're just a spectator.

The nonsense needs to stop.

Sadly, this is the ugly side of sports that often gets seen. More often, we hear stories from other parts of the country. Yet, last night, they were in our backyard.

And these are the kinds of things that columnists write about.

Or bloggers (not in their mothers' basement, thank you very much).

However, I'm keeping the details out of this one for a variety of reasons in the hope that someone will read this and be reminded to simply do better.

I will say that as much I enjoyed the atmosphere last night, I can't say I'm surprised that there were problems. I stood among fans from both teams and heard a fair share of profanity and smack talk. I guess so it goes but I wish we could be a little better on that. Still, I'm hardly a prude.

This is hardly a news flash but kids emulate things that they see. 

Like I said, I'm withholding from commenting on stuff I actually saw (and things I heard) but just felt it was a good opportunity to serve up a reminder.

Let the kids play.

Let the coaches coach.

Let the officials rule.

You watch. Laugh. Cheer. Support the players regardless of the outcome.

And just enjoy the game.

The ice cream will taste just as good.

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