Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Things that have jumped out at me:

A warm thought - the Yankees' TV schedule on YES (including the woeful Spring Training games). Now let me see if I've got this straight - if the Bombers are playing the USA World Baseball Classic team, does that mean Captain Jeter will be playing against his own teammates?

UPDATE: Answer: Yes.

Playing in the WBC is about the only thing I disagree with Jeter on.

I personally didn't rip Alex Flanagan for the F. Scott Fitzgerald quote, I ripped her for being awful. The Fitzgerald quote only made me roll my eyes. So is Keith Olbermann going to call me Worst Person in the World?

Troy Polamalu is a pretty low-key guy, apparently with the exception of two places: 1) any football field and 2) celebratory parades.

Baseball is going to honor the 70th anniversary of Lou Gehrig's speech on July 4th, and call attention to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (the disease that now bears Gehrig's name) at the same time.

My friend and colleague Robert Crowley wants to do a jazz show
. He could use some help getting sponsors. I love the idea (and hope he has room for me to be an occasional guest). I would welcome the chance to go on the air and talk about the music of Brubeck, Miles, Parker, Coltrane, Monk, while reaching into the deeper past with Louis Armstrong and the forefathers. I'd even enjoy the chance to talk about the Big Band era (which gets readily dismissed by jazz aficionados the way latter-day folks dismiss The Jonas Brothers).

So give Rob your time and your advice.

Lastly, and far from least, Sean Patrick Bowley (better known as SPB) reports on some potential (read again - potential) changes to the high school football playoff scene in Connecticut.


Rob Crowley said...

Hey Rob- Thanks for the plug. And, I want you to know, that if I ever get the show off the air, I'd definitely bring you in for a sit down if you have a little jazz lover in you somewhere! Definitely sounds like you do.

Again, I appreciate the plug on the blog here and am hoping for the best with this thing.

Rob Adams said...

I'm definitely a moderately big jazz fan, dating back to the big band stuff that my dad introduced me to when I was young. From there, I graduated to the more "sophisticated" stuff. I have a fairly decent collection of jazz, and can often be found listening to it.

I hope you get the chance to do the show. My immediate thought for sponsors would be music stores (I know there's a Greenwich music store, for instance). Beyond that, I would suggest restaurants and bars that want to project that kind of vibe.