Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Welcome, 2008

So I did see the New Year in...sort of. By 11:30, I was falling asleep while watching the Chick-Fil-A Bowl on TV. I woke up just in time to hear the winning touchdown, and that kind of jarred me awake again. Unable to get back to sleep, I headed out to the couch, where I was flipping the dial before watching the Honeymooners. Fred (the erstwhile cat) made his last 2007 appearance at the back door, so I let him in. After getting him downstairs, I flipped over to one of the New Year's Schlocking Eve shows to see that 2008 had already begun...by maybe two seconds or so.

That brings me to Dick Clark. Sir, you are a legend. You are the same age that my father would be. You still look physically great, while sitting behind a desk. But it's uncomfortable to watch you. I remember you from American Bandstand (perhaps past its prime in the 70's and 80's, but it was still a Saturday staple). Listening to you talk was sad because the stroke that you suffered a few years back has sapped you of the bright broadcasting voice that we're used to.

Perhaps I'm being cold. I don't mean to, but it's hard to see people that we're used to fade away.

Onto brighter and happier things. The college football bowl bash is off and running. As always, it's just not the same. I used to love my New Year's Day consisting of the Citrus, Cotton, Fiesta, Rose, Sugar, and Orange Bowls. They didn't get played on January 2nd, or 3rd, or whatever. Those were your games. They weren't sponsored, and you could even predict what network had them and which broadcasters would call it. It's just not that way anymore, and oh well for that.

With that said, best wishes to Matt Hamilton and the Mizzou Tigers in the Cotton Bowl. They lead 7-0 as I write, and I think I spotted him at least once on the Mizzou sideline.

Oh, before I run...go here and check out Mr. Huey Lewis singing with some country star named Garth Brooks on "Workin' For a Living."

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