Monday, August 28, 2023

A Monday Evening Walk


(Google Maps)

Sean has allergies that will frequently flare up.

As a result, tissues are always around our place. That is until we run out.

So we decided to take a walk to the CVS near WGCH.

It was a perfect night for a nice stroll, serving as a way to walk off dinner.

Just up the road, we spied flashing lights as several police cars were gathered at the top of the hill. They were talking with a man who was certainly expressing some level of frustration about something.

We couldn't tell what was going on otherwise.

Sure, we were both curious but what could we honestly find out? It was none of our business.

We walked on and made our way up Mason Street, chatting about basically anything.

We discussed the Renegades (since we both work there), WGCH (ditto), things we passed on our walk and, his current favorite topic, Pokemon.

I mostly nodded. I care -- I promise, I do -- but I also don't entirely understand it.

Items were acquired at CVS and we reversed our course to head back toward home.

I bounced off him how I have an opening for football and if he had ideas for a potential guest analyst. I shared my thoughts on the topic. We also discussed his likely filling in to run the board for a game.

Another topic of note was how difficult it is to juggle a sports broadcasting schedule and still be an involved father. He noted that he was always impressed with how I made everything even if I was sometimes late.

But I was there.

"You always made the important stuff for sure," he said.

Indeed, that was always a goal. An occasional jab at me is about why I've never moved to "the big time." Well, part of it was my own doing as I insisted on being an active dad, especially after his mother and I split. It also helped that he was up to going to some games and broadcasts with me.

The expectation with me is that I'll be there if I can. Otherwise, proceed without me or I'll get there later. I've done it many times, including a lot of Thanksgivings over the years.

But it worked. It always worked.

As we climbed the hill towards home, the kerfuffle with the police had broken up and the man in the middle of the mess was still there, standing with a car that had been banged up and a couple of other people.

Still curious, we schemed different scenarios to pry about what had happened, only to chuckle to ourselves that we were just being nosy gossips.

We went home, our curiosity unsatisfied. 

Instead, we laughed about other things and talked for a bit before heading off to our separate rooms.

I guess that's how we do Monday around here.

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