Monday, December 14, 2020

We try and we fail

If you're around New York and Connecticut, you probably know what today is.

The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School happened on this day in 2012.

Everyone is posting pictures of those 26 faces; Twenty children and six adults. All gone.

As I sit here tonight, I find myself feeling no better than I did eight years ago.

Eight years ago when 26 truly innocent people didn't leave school.

When their families lives were shattered, many of them standing in a nearby fire station awaiting and eventually hearing the worst.

My God, it was all just so unnecessary.

And, to this day, there are still people who deny that it happened. They think it's a hoax.

I literally have nothing more than "shame on them."

My son was 10 that day. I wanted to hug him. I couldn't.

So I get everything that people are posting today. We're all dealing with it in our own style.

I further deal with it by feeling like we continue to fail those 26 faces. We've failed them by not being better. Sure, there have been a few cursory changes to gun laws. Still, have we done enough?

Last year, we had the unbridled joy of watching Newtown High School celebrate a state football championship on the anniversary. They won on a last-second play. It was great and, yet, seems so distant ago.

Just like the Newtown hockey championship that I called in 2014. A lifetime ago.

As you sit here in Dec, 2020, do you really feel schools are safer? Do you think those faces would be satisfied?

I just don't know if there's been progress. Some, maybe. But, how much?

Eight years. 

I've got nothing but sadness.

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