Wednesday, December 02, 2020

The foolish project


Behind the scenes during The Clubhouse
(clockwise from top left: Dave Torromeo, Rob, Mark Jeffers, Bob Small)
The mixer in question is to the right

I have to be up at five tomorrow morning to kick off a day in the video depo world.

Plus it's almost 11 p.m. so I figure this needs to be a quick post.

I finished the last Clubhouse episode for 2020, trying it out on a mixer that I borrowed from Dan Macom. It's one that Mike Hirn has been imploring me to buy for months.

So I kept the setup very simple and everything worked just fine. Really, it was great.

It will sound great with podcasts (the now three that I'm involved with) and other things.

Then I decided to tinker.

After folding laundry, of course.

Yeah, let's blow up the studio -- again.

Not long after starting the project, I began to realize just how tired I was and that I couldn't turn back. I had to finish.

And the blog hung over my head.

This all contributed to my own anxiety building to levels that are tangible. Literally. I can feel it.

Because I'm an idiot, if I haven't mentioned that.

So I got the studio to a point that I could live with, but I know this story. I've read this magazine.

I don't like how the computers are positioned. I'm not in love with the tables.

I'll soon be blowing it all up again.

And this mixer wasn't quite doing as much I necessarily wanted. It lacks the number of inputs I'd prefer to run different devices.

Oh, whatever. I needed to step away and stop obsessing.

Things to think about.


When I'm up at five.

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