Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas


"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." -- Rogers Hornsby (please note that Mr. Hornsby wasn't a very nice man but he was a great ballplayer and I do love this quote).

The day started with garbage. Because of course, it did.

Last night's rain/wind event left the front yard with no snow and my recycling dumped everywhere.

Grumbling on the saturated turf, at one point wearing a robe, a rain jacket, and slippers and looking more like a flasher than I should, I walked around, picking up empty seltzer cans and pizza boxes.

I went back in and threw a pair of jeans on, sparing my neighbors from the further indignity of seeing the bum of the block stumbling around.

With a bad back, I might add.

Ah, but my sense of humor remained intact. With apologies for Susan, the finest poet I know, and Julie Andrews, and everyone associated with The Sound of Music, I composed a quick tweet.

Susan is no doubt horrified, spitting out her coffee as she read that.

Such is life. Besides, we know it can always be worse.

Find peace today, laugh, and be nice to each other.

Better days are ahead.

And, remember: "No man (edit: or woman) is a failure who has friends." I'm glad I have all of you.

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