Thursday, January 04, 2024



(Photo: Pixabay)

I'm pleased to get back to work tomorrow.

My heart will be elsewhere but I'm not needed so it's time to get back to calling games.

It's been almost a month since I called a Brunswick event so I'm looking forward to seeing the hockey team. There are big things ahead for them.

Plus I have basketball on Saturday at Brunswick. There's a hockey game at the same time but I try to be fair to both teams. So, in this case, I had to choose. Fortunately the choice was made for me.

I've felt sort of lost, though I very much realize it's not about me.

Downtime doesn't serve me well, I guess.

We've gone to the grocery store and to grab lunch a few times but, otherwise, it's been a mostly quiet week.

Oh, let me not forget to mention that I visited the Hunt Scanlon office for a meeting followed by a brief shopping trip into Port Chester. Honestly, I did that primarily to just check out of the world for a few minutes. The line was too long to buy anything so I walked out.

Otherwise, I've been here, doing administrative kind of life things. So, sure, I've stayed busy.

Plus I've hosted "Doubleheader" three times this week, as compared to next week when I might host one or two shows. The games will return with a flourish and I'd say just in time.

There's wrestling on Monday, Greenwich basketball on Tuesday and more beyond that.

Of course, there is the matter of this snow storm and, oh yeah, let's address that.

Look, I'm not a fan of winter weather. I'd take rain and wind over snow and ice. But, this is Connecticut. This is the northeast. I'm a born and raised New Yorker.

It's supposed to snow occasionally around these parts. We sort of need a storm.

Now, I'm not advocating for it. I sure as heck don't want it.


I get that it's healthy to have it. The weatherpeople of the world are saying we might get five to eight inches around these parts beginning Saturday night. The good news there is that Brunswick's basketball game is at 1:30 p.m. so I should be home long before it starts.

I'm just hoping my loved ones will be safely ensconced somewhere before the flakes fly as well.

After that? OK, I'll give. Let it snow. I can't fight it so bring it on.

At present, I only have to clean my car, and, let's face it, I'll clean (or help clean) Sean's also. I don't have to shovel or blow the snow off of a driveway. 

So if I can crash on my couch and binge-watch or read some stuff, I think I'd be quite happy.

Oh yeah, the Steelers play on Saturday and there's more football on Sunday. We'll be fine.

And there are other projects to tend to around here. Our attic actually could use a good cleaning, for instance.

All of this will help fight the blues away and, hopefully, the feeling that I'm no help.

I prepared for the game tomorrow. I exchanged emails with Brunswick head coach Mike Kennedy and we'll chat more tomorrow. I have preliminary rosters and will get more in the morning.

Hopefully, that's sufficient.


Let's continue to give thoughts, prayers, and whatever good mojo we can to the DeCrisoforo family. The outpouring of love has been incredible. I truly hope for strength for them.

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