Thursday, January 25, 2024



Three games.

Three states.

And I'm all about it.

It's just before faceoff of the Power Prep Hockey League All-Star Games at Martire Family Arena in Fairfield.

Wow. This place is incredible.

But, seven minutes before the expected game time, there's a practice still going on.

Ah, ice time and such.

So it goes. 

This will be the second game of the day and I just wanted to throw a few words on here in case I don't have time later.

So, while I'm up on the suite/press level, well, they've locked the door to this area. That means if I walk out I can't get back in. I found that out an hour back and had to have someone open the door for me. 

Therefore, I'm in here and dinner will have to wait I guess.

Bridgewater Sports Arena

The first game broadcast went without a hiccup as I traveled to Bridgewater, NJ for Rockets Hockey Club and the Jersey Hitmen.

The Rockets cruised to a 7-1 victory. The setup was incredibly easy and -- don't tell anyone -- I used my own equipment. It was my headset and mixer that drove the broadcast.

Trust me, not a soul noticed. 

I packed up and was out of the rink by 2 p.m. to start driving to Fairfield, CT. Shockingly -- no, really, it was an easy drive. Traffic got heavy and slowed up but if you know anything about Merritt Parkway then you know how it gets out there.

I cruised here and pulled in just around 4 p.m.

Now, I wait.

The Zamboni is about to hit the ice and practice has ended.

The broadcast will begin soon.


It's 10:15 p.m. and I'm finally home.

The all-star games were weird in that I didn't have to bring any equipment in other than my computer and an audio interface that allows me to bring my sound into the MacBook for Robcasting.

Otherwise, the games were played quickly without the Zamboni coming out between periods. Both games were highly competitive and fun to watch.

Elite Hockey Academy coach Peter Alden -- the man who invited me to call these games -- did me a favor when he discovered that I was trapped on press level without food and ordered me a sandwich for dinner.

I ate it after the games were over. Shame on me for rushing to the arena and not grabbing food. 

Oh, yeah, after the games were over. Nothing like discovering you're so locked in that the arena pulled a gate closed!

Now, keep in mind that four people were on that level at one point: me, the cameraman, a PA announcer, and a graphics/music person.

Somehow someone never checked that there were still a few people up there because the PA and graphics guys got out.

With the help of a person who didn't have a key to said gate, I was able to access a side door at the other end of the suite level.

I strolled out into the night and had to maneuver down a hill of wet grass to reach my car. Fortunately, I had boots on with a good tread.

Another tale has been told.

And, oh, I have another basketball game tomorrow.

Then two more on Saturday.

Then "Meet the Beatles" on Sunday.

And I have to do a quick chat at 7:50 tomorrow morning on WGCH.

I'm nuts.

And, again, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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