Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Adios, January


Dear First Month of the Year,

On the plus side, I thank you for the fact that I'm still around. Oh, and I called a lot of games. 

I worked. That's good also.

Believe me, I can see the positives.

Otherwise, I'm fairly content to see you limp on out of here.

If we're being honest with each other, you've never been my favorite month anyway. People celebrate your arrival but I honestly don't care.

This year, especially, I want you gone.

I normally dread February a little more but you just seemed to want to rip guts out this year.

Death. Destruction. Heartbreak. I know, every month has that but January 2024 seemed to be on a mission to hurt everyone.

I'm watching too much sadness and fearing that those I care about will never be able to move forward as a result. So the only thing I can hope for is to have January be over with so perhaps it's a fresh start.

I can't stand to see people that sad and suffering. For what it's worth, I suffer by extension.

I realize you're a page on the calendar and it's not your fault, etc, but you'll always be associated with all of this.

The anniversaries -- one month, two months, a year, etc, will never stop.

So, in that regard, it's on you.

You're named for Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and transitions.

Well was your goal to transition to suck?!

I can't get on you too much for the weather unless it's for being annoying. It hasn't been that cold but we've just had a lot of piddly snow and rain storms.

This is the stuff for which people celebrate your arrival?

You'll have work to do to redeem yourself. It's amazing considering February is normally the longest 28-29 days of the year in my opinion but you've somehow set the bar even lower.

I truly wish I could find a moment to toast your departure tomorrow. If my brain is working (don't bet on it), I'll raise my coffee cup in triumph.

Fortunately, Seacrest won't be around.

I look forward to writing the rent check and, honestly, who does that?

But writing Feb 1 or 2/1 just seems a lot better this year.

Thanks for the positives. I tried to be fair.

Yet it's time for you to move along. Hit the road, Jan. Don't you come back no more.

May we not have this same talk next year.

February, you're up. Be better than this.

Otherwise, bring on March.

And I can't even believe I'm saying that.

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