Wednesday, February 23, 2022

It Was 20 Years Ago Today


Sean R. Adams was born on this day in 2002.

I texted him the famous opening line to "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" and a GIF of the album cover and, of course, he laughed.

I was confident he would.

That's Sean. Oh, I've talked about him countless times over the years but always tried to never beat you over the head with stories and pictures. It's tough as a proud parent to know when to hold the line but I've tried and, more than likely, failed.

As he's gotten older I figured they were also his stories to tell.

But you know him by now. He's honest and loyal and so many other wonderful and amazing things. He has his faults -- of course, he does -- but I'll happily take them as part of the whole package. 

We've remained every bit as close as I hoped we would but also am thrilled when he hangs out with the boys. I always knew -- whatever life threw at us -- that we'd stay close and I think we're both happy with that.

I keep waiting for him to say that he doesn't want to travel with me and that day is coming.

But I remain every bit as proud and more as I was that morning 20 years ago. That's the first thing I remember -- beaming -- as I pushed his bassinet through the maternity ward that morning. 

He can be shy. Quiet. Reserved. But, I warn you, that mind is always churning and there's likely a zinger waiting to happen.

That's my boy.

I also know he was bullied in school and that took a lot of the happy-go-lucky out of him. That makes me sad and I feel like I failed him at times.

But I can brag and talk about him for hours. He's so level-headed and just

Sometimes I suppose he's a little too cool. I mean, for the love of something, please do the dishes or take out the garbage!

But I know I can count on him to watch things, including the cat, when I go to London.

As a parent, you hope you've passed on the right things. You hope you've made him even better than yourself. You hope he's respectful and kind and thoughtful.

You also hope you can turn him loose to the world eventually, and he'll do so.

You hope, eventually, you make each other proud.

Sean does things on his terms. At his time.

He's created 20 years of happy memories and I suppose even a few regrets on my part.

But if you had his number or some way to get hold of him I hope you wished him a happy one.

As for me, I'll see him this weekend and we can do something.

Happy birthday, kid, and thanks for making me a dad.

Keep getting by with a little help from your friends.

Aug, 2020: Albany, NY

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