Saturday, September 25, 2021

Kind of Tapped Out. Will Do Better Tomorrow (Maybe)


I've hit another one of those walls.

Yes, I have topics but they feel tired or just unnecessary. 

And I'm tired. And perhaps unnecessary, though I'd like to think that's not true.

Yes, I was at Brunswick today but I'm not sure what I could tell you about calling that game that would enlighten your life.

I called it and I had fun and Brunswick won.

I met their new AD (I didn't know about this fact) and it turned out it was someone I sort of already knew even if he didn't remember me from a lifetime ago. That's how long I've been doing this.

So if you're keeping score I've done roughly six hours of solo broadcasting in the past 24 hours. I don't want a monument built in my honor.

I'm just offering up a fact. A nugget. An item to write about when I try to write about something every night.

Then I decided to put a game on. I can't say what game. It would have been inappropriate. But the broadcasting was so awful and amateurish that I had to go growl to Mike Hirn and Shawn Sailer. That keeps me from tweeting or writing about it here.

It hurts my soul. So, that begs the question: is the better answer to have nobody call the game? Or is having just any old voice OK?

So, yeah, these are the things I'm thinking about as a Saturday night heads towards its end.

I'll try to do better tomorrow.

(Oh, and this is the 1,001st consecutive day with a post so there's that)

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