Monday, January 09, 2012

Get Out of the Way, It's TV!

You might remember the infamous WGCH/MSG showdown in 2009 at the Greenwich/Staples Thanksgiving Day game.

If you don't, trust me - I do.  So does Chris Kaelin, Chris Erway and the rest of our team.  So does Carrie - who heard it live, and didn't know who I was.

Jeff Pearlman highlighted a similar situation, except this time the reporter getting the shaft is a print journalist.  I watched the video and it sickened me.  As Jeff pointed out - who the %$^& is Holly Rowe?  For that matter, who the $%^& do these TV people think they are?

One reporter at MSG, who had the balls to tell Chris Kaelin that he should "know his place" should be thankful, because that little affair in 2009 had the chance to get much worse.  Kato is STILL angry about it.  I didn't find out about the "know his place" comment until much later.  It's bad enough that I literally screamed into the MSG booth, basically daring them to come chat with us.

The person we were interviewing (Staples coach Marce Petroccio) has always been good to WGCH, and he agreed to come on with us. We were finishing up our interview - there was no need for MSG to big-time us, and they looked bad. End of story.

Another reporter who I kind of know from MSG wouldn't even look at us that day. He was clearly embarrassed by the behavior of his "team." If my team every behaved like they did, it wouldn't be tolerated. Period. We all have jobs to do, and the print folks have their deadlines. So we all get along and make the best of it.

By the way, I don't know that the print folks are always the warmest and fuzziest either.  I can clearly recall the chill that we felt when WGCH was covering the Bridgeport Bluefish back in 2002.  They weren't that fond of us.  That being said, I count several writers (and former writers) among my good friends.

Anyway, that's my $.02 on the matter. Back to prepping for my road trip!

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