Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Quick FCIAC Football-Related Posty

Hi all. Have you missed me? OK.

Anywho, Mr. Tim Parry (he of the FCIAC Football Blog fame) is looking for help. He'd like to pick up a salesperson to assist with getting sponsors for the blog while it still exists. Tim wanted to sell the site, and has found no takers so far. So while he could just shut it down, Tim continues to write.

And we're better for it.

While we're talking football, allow me to proudly announce that the annual Greenwich Red and White football game will once again be broadcast on that little ol' engine known as WGCH (and I'll be at the mic for the call, and a combination of fine souls will round out the broadcast. I don't have a game time yet, but I will pass along the details once they have been given to me.

Until then, stay tuned!

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