Friday, June 04, 2021



You can bet that I can't wait to dump the mask.

Still, be it pressure or simply thinking I'm doing the right thing, I'm struggling to remove it entirely.

I walked into a Kohl's yesterday where a sign said clearly that masks were optional. At first, I strutted without it, almost confidently.

Then I looked around. Nearly everyone still had masks on.

Feel free to call me weak or sheep or whatever, but I put it back on. 


I don't do it for me. Heck, isn't that why we were wearing the damn things in the first place? I do it for the people around me who still might not be as comfortable. In this spot, people didn't seem OK to go without.

I went to my local Stop and Shop today and it appeared to be mandated though I noticed a few shoppers were without them.

I wore mine. Then, as I've done since last March, I adjusted it when I went outside.

Now, is this a rule of mine? Not necessarily. I take each circumstance at face value and evaluate it as needed. 

I walked into a store today in Mahopac with the mask on. Seconds later, I noticed the staff weren't wearing them. There were only a few of us in there.

I took it off.

Perhaps all I'm trying to say is that I'm mindful of respecting others.

Respect. Such a silly concept, isn't it?


"'Good Times' will not be seen tonight so that we may bring you the
following special program. 'Good Times' will return in its usual time next week."

A few schedule notes while the Renegades are away:

- Back to baseball tomorrow as Greenwich and Fairfield Warde meet at Cardinal Yard in Greenwich for the right to advance to the Class LL semifinal. Thanks to the Greenwich Diamond Club for asking me. I'm really pleased.

- "The Clubhouse" will gather in person on Wednesday in Mount Kisco at Grand Prix NY. It's not only our last show for the season (we'll be back in probably September or October) but it's also a night to raise awareness for Alzheimer's research. Please come on out, won't you? I intend to be there for "Doubleheader" as well so keep me company (assuming that's all good to go).

- Next Saturday, I'm heading back to Milford, PA to call three championship games in Cal Ripken baseball/softball. As of now, I'm flying solo. Please inquire within if you would like to join me for a day of fun youth sports in a super friendly town.

Both of these outstanding events are airing on your local Robcasting station (also known as

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