Tuesday, April 06, 2021

I almost forgot


It was 10:21 p.m. when I suddenly had a revelation.

I hadn't written the #P365 post!

So, here I am. But, what am I here to write about?

I've been up since 5:30. Wait, scratch that. I've been up -- on and off -- since 5:30 this morning.

I recorded The Owner's  Box Horse Racing Podcast (back to "Owner's" since I no longer own a horse) at 7 a.m.

I was back in bed not long after 8 because I said yes to a deposition that was to begin at 8 p.m. Thus, I'm sitting here now.

Knowing I had a long night ahead of me (and that I have to be in Stratford, CT at 9:30 tomorrow morning), I paced myself. I grabbed two short catnap-like breaks. I did stuff on the computer. I ran out to get a sandwich.

And here I sit. Exciting, right?

On the other hand, I spent a bunch of the day setting up my...TRUMPETS, PLEASE!...Hudson Valley Renegades email address!

Ladies and gentlemen, send all complaints to radio@hvrenegades.com.

Which, honestly, is the same email the radio broadcaster has used for years. Literally, years.

As I cleaned things up, I saw emails dating back to 2012.

However, I was able to slightly personalize it.

That's what my email signature will say, at least for now.

These are, to me, the dumb little things that make me so happy.

I also downloaded the 2021 New York Yankees media guide and I have to admit seeing a page about the Gades in it made me smile. It's on page 413.

Keep in mind I've had various copies of Yankees' media guides since probably 1981. Yes, I'd actually buy one, and this was before they became a little more publicly accessible. So to see a team that I work for listed in it? Come on. That's crazy stuff.

To some, this is old hat. To me, this is big but I've always felt that way. I've never gotten jaded. I'm always amazed.

Anyway, I'm babbling and I see time is getting short on Apr 6, 2021.

I scratched the first baseball itch yesterday as I called the Brunswick game. But that magic date -- May 11 -- is 35 days away.

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