Friday, December 15, 2023

Monitoring the Holiday Blues


WSNO Radio is lighting up the holiday tunes

I realize I've written about the feeling of a holiday malaise previously but I think it's time to check back on that as we're 10 days from Christmas.

For some, it is an acute issue where they are struggling with even putting a happy face on for the sake of their kids and other family members.

For me? Meh. I'm mostly trying to avoid the form of loneliness that I encounter each season. Now, before you say "but you're with Sean" or any other companionship, it's just not that simple. Also, Sean will go to his mother's on Christmas morning.

We spend Christmas Even together and will once again do dinner and some movies. It's one of our traditions and we both like that.

As far as I know, I have plans and I believe I'm heading to brunch with family on Christmas Day. Don't misunderstand me on this. I very much enjoy the group that I'll spend the time with and family remains so important to me. However, as it tends to be brunch, I'll be back home sometime in the afternoon.

Even decorating for us is minimal. Sean doesn't mind and we just think our place is a bit small to do too much. So we don't do a tree for instance though perhaps we'll reconsider that in the future if we find something appropriate.

But that's my thing. I'll get through it as I usually do and then hold on until January when it feels like the shackles come off.

To many, this is sadly their first holiday season without a loved one. Those loved ones often counted Christmas as their favorite holiday and that only adds to the sadness of the season.

In such a case, anything can trigger the sorrow. All it takes is a favorite holiday song or a movie or some other memory. It's a difficult roller coaster of emotions.

No matter what, there's an empty plate at the dinner table, be it physically or not.

In reality, there is almost no avoiding this month so it's just important to survive by simply going day by day.

Minute by minute (thanks, Doobie Brothers) if that's best.

Yes, some can avoid it by going to a remote island or some location where the holidays aren't acknowledged but my guess is that simply wouldn't be financially possible. At least not for me.

So, again, go easy on those who might appear to demonstrate Grinch-like moods. Most of us can make the best of it. We can muster a smile and just play along without letting on what the feeling is underneath.

Others might not be able to.

Just be patient.

January is almost here.

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