Saturday, May 27, 2023

GTP 2023


My sixth Greenwich Town Party has concluded.

My back hurts. My legs are sore. I'm tired.

Pretty standard stuff, to be honest.

The music? Let's say it was all great and I say that because a lot of people vastly more talented than I am poured heart and soul into efforts to step onto a stage in front of neighbors and strangers. It can be a daunting gig for the local acts on the Town Stage.

Besides, Maroon 5 wasn't there. Neither was Nickelback. So, yes, everyone was great.

Of particular note were the two high school performances from Brunswick Music Improv and Greenwich High School Jazz Ensemble. Also, The Revivalists were insanely good. Mavis Staples was also phenomenal.

We can hear Preservation Hall's Superjam in the distance now and we're pretty fond of Preservation Hall Jazz Band.

Though I probably shouldn't shout anyone in particular out because it will look like I'm playing favorites. Yet, I'll take my chances.

I just enjoy watching the inner workings of the day. Watching the crew set up and break down. Watching the sound people make it all work. The shuffling of the artists as they move to the stage.

Of course, we get a unique perspective from just inside the Town Stage area which gives us no view of the Town Stage or the Main Stage. Sean and I spent chunks of the day moving to where we could actually see things. People couldn't find us to come to say hello for that very reason.

In the end, we were on the air for over eight hours. Now, the music is the star. The musicians. Sean and I hop on mic and work as the conduit. Does any of this sound familiar?

And Sean was pretty great as a co-host. I'm very honest and fair about him. I don't think he's curing cancer tonight nor am I creating a hashtag imploring you to behold the legend that is my son. He's finding his way but, for his fourth time, he was a fine co-host, following my lead. He doesn't really want to be the lead but he enjoys the music and he's content to play off of me.

Whether or not he develops as an on-air talent is up to him.

But when the weather cooperates, the music is solid, the food is good, and you're hanging out with people you enjoy being with, it's a mighty good day.

Yes, there are annoyances and nuisances but isn't that every day?

No, I didn't know we were going on at 11:15 this morning until I decided it.

I didn't know we would stay on until 7:30. I thought we'd be done at 6 p.m. but so it goes.

And so on.

We took what was thrown at us and did our best.

Conversely, power and an audio line were both installed and waiting for us by the time we walked in. The security crew was great and people were kind to bring us bottles of water.

As we wrapped up, Sean said he was ready to do it again in 2024.

I agree with that statement but I think we'd both agree that there are ways to make our coverage even better, starting with our location. 

There are other things but you get the idea.

All things considered today was a success.

And a pleasure.

Music. Sunshine. Hanging and hosting a concert on the radio with my son.

Not too many ways to beat that.

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