Saturday, December 15, 2007

HLN For President Update

Well part of my idea from this morning has fallen apart. After writing about the HLN for President bumper sticker that I saw, I posted the link to Exit 55 on - the website dedicated to Huey Lewis and the News. Then I headed out for the day.

A few minutes ago, I returned home and upon checking, I saw the following response from drunner Bill Gibson:
Rob, thanks so much for the sort of nomination, but I think I will politely decline.
And that's that.

Bill's been posting on for years and is a great guy with a very dry wit and strong opinions on many things - including hatred of the Yankees and a passion for the Oakland A's. I had a chance to meet him in person after a show in Poughkeepsie, New York in 2005 and let him walk right on by. What could I have possibly had to say to him?

Oh well.

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