Friday, March 10, 2023

Blank Space


A warm sun looked down upon its worshippers along the Gulf coast. Among them, on Holmes Beach, near Bradenton, Fl was the father and son duo of you know who and who.

We talked about stuff. Father and son-type of stuff. Some things heavier than others. 

One thing neither of us had was our cell phone.

I initially walked towards the water, knowing my phone could handle some water if it got wet, considering I had no intention of going all-in. But partway between the rest of the family and the Gulf of Mexico, a thought popped through my head: leave it.

Leave it where my wallet and dry clothes were. They were all safe.

"I don't need to document everything," I said to Sean.

He emphatically agreed.

Oh, it was like stepping away from whatever a vice might be. 

Thus, there are no pictures of today. Nothing of various signs or selfies of us in the water. 

Nothing of anything.

As I stood in the water, I couldn't text Susan about this or that nor could I dazzle Twitter users with some inane Rob commentary.

None of it was to be had.

I was entirely in the moment for an all-too-brief amount of time.

I suppose if I had fully committed to this I wouldn't have written about it now but one must make concessions when still being a part of a Lou Gehrig-esque streak of posts per day.

Among the topics in our deep dive of Florida frivolity was considering driving back here for a 2024 edition and how we might improve upon what we've done on this trip.

Sean has very much enjoyed himself. Let there be no question about that.

Our traveling party has grown by three and that will lead to more adventures including a fun dinner that just wrapped up a short time ago. As a result, we've now relocated to a hotel. We expect to be even smarter as we're staying in a Holiday Inn Express.

And I got my driving on, piloting a rental car from Sarasota back to the Tampa Bay area. Of course, a Florida rainstorm took out all of its anger on Interstate 75 as I was driving but that's to be expected.

Oh, and you bet there is still some baseball to be had as the Yankees and Pirates meet tomorrow in Bradenton. We'll be there.

We're living our best lives or whatever we're doing. We're just doing it and going with the flow.

But there are no pictures from today. No evidence (save for the blog post, I suppose). 

Today was, otherwise, a blank space.

And we wrote our names.

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