Thursday, June 15, 2023

Off to the Side

The audience watches the presentation at IoD


Lunch has been consumed and networking has been networked.

The next presenter is at the podium and I'm sitting off to the side.

Welcome inside the Hunt Scanlon conference that I'm moderating at the IoD (Institute of Directors) in London.

The building -- at 116 Pall Mall -- opened in 1828 and is adorned with many fascinating works of art. It screams history and grace.

That's where we are once again.

Things, I'm glad to say, have run like clockwork. While it's a team effort of all of us (Chris, Scott, Mike, Erik, Walker, Cody, and Drew) I've worked closest with Mike all day as conferences are his baby.

Or one of his babies, as he recently became a father of a beautiful baby girl. I actually got to meet the baby virtually yesterday, via FaceTime.

But, yes, the conference. That's what we're here for, despite all of the fun of strolling London yesterday. It's safe to say that I was falling asleep as I wrote last night.

I know I've written previously about what goes into the conferences from my perspective. I'm often sitting at the front of the room near the speaker which means everyone is looking my way, though they're actually focusing on the speaker and the presentation.

Today, I'm tucked away to the side of the stage, maybe 20 feet to the right from the audience's view. In fact, I'm actually sitting near some of the audience.

But the audience here is, frankly, phenomenal. They're beyond polite and respectful. They laugh at silly jokes, including a weak attempt by me to fill time before we confirmed that lunch was ready.

And, for those wondering, I did work a small Beatles reference in at the beginning of the day when I called the conference a "Magical Mystery Tour." I'm sure nobody picked up on it but it made me happy to say it.

Speaking of all things Fab, Sir J. Paul McCartney has a new photo book out and the National Portrait Gallery here in London is having an exhibition featuring photos from the book.

It opens in just under two weeks. Bad timing for me but so it goes.

Well, I probably shouldn't write for long today, as the conference is the top priority. There are just a few hours left before we celebrate a (hopefully) successful completion of the event.

Unless I get the muse to write again from London, my next post will likely originate from Greenwich, CT, USA.

Or maybe I'll do both. 

There's no way to predict.

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