Friday, August 04, 2023

Good night, North Carolina


Sean insisted. OK, I wanted to go also.

I suppose we've reached our penultimate day in this adventure from Connecticut to Buffalo to Pittsburgh to North Carolina.

It's been a low-key day so far but the family will gather and grab dinner before Sean and I hit the road tomorrow morning.

By mid-afternoon, Sean will be in Ocean City with friends and I'll carry on towards Greenwich.

By tomorrow night it looks like it will be over. I'll be back in Greenwich.

There's a chance -- a chance -- that I'll be back on the road again next week.

But I'm taking Sunday to chill out before I have to teach in Stratford on Monday.

I'm doing that because my schedule is a complete pain. It gives me pause to consider whether or not I want to stay on this merry-go-round but that's a topic I'll deal with offline.

As with everything else, it's simply a home that I'm looking for.

Sean and I have laughed at times about relocating. Would we leave Greenwich for Pittsburgh or down here in North Carolina?

I find it doubtful but I suppose anything is possible. It's all about comfort and lifestyle. 

But the heat here does get to me occasionally.

And things that crawl and slither and so on.

Anyway, I'm not leaving Greenwich anytime soon. The mere thought of moving The Cat is enough to cause me nightmares.

Oh yeah, I'll see him tomorrow night.

Once again, Stedman, NC has been a great host to us. Fayetteville, for any flaws, has always shown us a good time.

I say with confidence that we'll be back again as we pack our bags and begin loading the car for the slog north tomorrow morning.


It's a few hours from when I wrote everything above and we just finished dinner in Fayetteville. 

I hear about crime here. I hear unkind things and, sure, I've seen a few areas that aren't the most charming.

But Fayetteville and Stedman have been good to us again.

As I said, we'll be back.

But now it's time to get ready for the drive to Maryland.

And then?


We'll make this picture the author cover of my first book

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