Sunday, December 25, 2022

No Grinch


Florida, Dec 1970

I spent seven Christmas Days in Florida in my youth.

Santa would come to Mahopac roughly a week before Christmas and we'd proceed as if it was the real thing.

Then we'd go to Florida and have a Christmas Day with my paternal grandparents.

While I'm too young to have clear memories and my usual total recall, I still have cherished flashes of those days in the 1970s.

Christmas will always make me think of my parents, and their presence is felt on this day. My father loved Christmas and while I never thought my mom loved it as much I was still her chauffeur for many holiday gatherings.

It's still a bit weird to show up at family events either without her or not seeing her. Her absence is still palpable and yet, she's still present somehow.

Inside my nephew's house, where I visited with family today, is my mother's dining room table. I'd forgotten they moved it back in May so it was a quick shock to see it before I realized the happiness I felt.

In fact, I made sure to eat my plate of brunch deliciousness there, just as I'd eaten many a meal over many a year at that table.

Overall, it was a nice day. I texted with many and spoke with a few. I take no offense from those I didn't hear from and hopefully, nobody is offended if I missed them.

I was pleased to see my sister and members of her family, who fed my appetite and my soul. Plenty of laughs were had.

I need more of it.

George Harrison once sang:

Give me love

Give me love.

Give me peace on earth.

That's it. That's as simple of a wish as we can have.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

My grandparents' house, Holiday, FL

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