Thursday, December 29, 2022

Four Years of "What Was I Thinking?"


Today is December 29.

A partly cloudy Thursday and there just always seems to be storms about, metaphorical or otherwise. But we persevere.

I thought I'd be at the Greenwich Skating Club today but when Brunswick announced they were adding two home broadcasts, I had a conundrum on my hands.

I had said I'd do the Greenwich Winter Classic at the Skating Club. There are three games being played -- boys JV, girls varsity and boys varsity -- and I thought I'd do at least the varsity games on WGCH.

But, nah, for some reasons. Frustrating for sure and something I'm hoping we can fix in 2023.

So I'll just do them on Robcasting. Getting the word out to build an audience can be tough but I try. The thing is that if the audience isn't robust live then maybe folks will listen to the archive.

Bottom line: the games would get covered. Professionally.

The games will be covered on LocalLive without me on the call so my going would be for fun.

With Brunswick back, that meant putting a voice on their broadcast today. They've been loyal and good to me and, while I hate backing out of a commitment (and, believe me, that gnaws at me) I knew going to Hartong Rink is the right call.

I asked a few people for an opinion and they confirmed what I thought.

I'm off to Brunswick as soon as I'm done typing and I'll try to give the Bruins and the Belmont Hill Sextants.

It will also be my 138th game of 2022, thus establishing a new high for me. Look, I talk about quality versus quantity but I work so hard to make every broadcast happen so forgive me for being proud of a number that I wished was even higher but am pleased to achieve it this year.

This was not a number I expected to hit. I felt like games were sort of dribbling to me but working with Babe Ruth Baseball, Neversink Media, Fairfield Prep, Fairfield National Little League, GYFL, and Boomslang Basketball, along with Brunswick, WGCH, and LocalLive opened the door to a nice bounty of broadcasts.

The year will end for me with one more Belmont Hill/Brunswick tilt tomorrow morning at 10.

We'll deal with 2023 in a few days. I'm trying to figure a few things out but I will say that the past few nights with Fairfield Prep were great. No, the games weren't nail-biters, but I like where they're going with the broadcasts and they seemed happy with me. So, maybe I'll be back on a few more broadcasts there.

Oh, and the December 29th reference at the top of the post? Well, this actually ends year four of Project 365. It started on Dec 30, 2018 when I made a last-gasp effort to revive the blog. I did as often do in late December/early January. I always write a few posts with the hope of it becoming a habit.

Well, that habit became an obsession. I've not missed a day since then. I do think about ending it and taking a day off but it hasn't happened yet so we'll just keep plugging along (quality be damned).

Year five of this insanity (Project Infinity, right John Nash?) begins tomorrow and I have no reason to think I won't be back.

But first, hockey. 

Watch it on LocalLive or listen to it on Robcasting.

Last note: the great Pelé has died at the age of 82. Before I knew anything about soccer, I knew his name. He's Babe Ruth to me in soccer. A profound talent.

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