Saturday, December 04, 2021

"What Are You Going to Write About?"

I had nothing to do with that graphic


I made a spontaneous purchase this morning after receiving the encouragement of an unnamed person who I count as rather important.

Then I broadcast a hockey game from home. I mean, I've called games remotely but this was unique. My booth was my office. No, literally. It was a few feet from my bed. It was the same place I often do "Doubleheader" from. 

I had a producer in my ear and replays running and all kinds of fun. It was a mad scramble for information but that's why I love what I do.

And that's exactly why many can't handle this career.

After that, I was on the couch watching football and thinking about dinner when my friend JoAnn messaged me. She and her husband (both of whom I've known for, ahem, a few years), my dear friend Scott and others were having dinner just a few minutes away.

"Come join us," JoAnn said. 

Sean and I grabbed our coats and ran over.

JoAnn is a reader of this little enterprise. She tells me she's often up taking in this foolishness at 5:30 in the morning.

She and Greg live near Sean's "other" home and have been together for quite a few years, but they'll always be my classmates all the way back to Mrs. Clarizio in second grade at Austin Road Elementary School.

We talked about work and life and old friends and laughs.

But she was also fascinated about...this thing. This blog that I've written for a few years. This thing that I'm usually embarrassed about when it's mentioned to me.

She wondered if I had a plan for tonight's post.

No. I didn't have an idea until I walked in the door and it hit me to write about what JoAnn was saying.

Some days, ideas hit me as I pull myself together in the morning. Or in the car. Then it takes time to marinate. My writing is normally award-winning in my brain and terrible by the time I get to the computer.

The idea sometimes stays with me; yesterday is a good example. Sometimes (many times) the idea leaves my brain or dies on the vine. Or I'm too tired or just out of time.

And many days -- heck, most days -- I sit down, say, "What the *bleep* am I going to write about," and write anything that comes to mind.

Sixty percent of the time that works every time.

Some days I take a picture and post it on the social webs and then realize that it should be the basis of the post -- meaning I'm going to repost the picture (I've done that tonight).

Sometimes I want to bleed. Like I want to go all-in and tell the truth about whatever. I want to tell all of the hurt, heartache, anger, disappointment, and resentment that I feel. But that also comes with a price tag.

Sometimes I want to write about every triumph but that can also cause an issue. I still remember posting a picture (not on the blog) that brought me great joy only to get grief as a result. We can't win them all.

So I pick things judiciously. When I think it's important to discuss mental health again, I give it a shot. Reminder: the holidays suck for a lot of people. Please keep an eye on them and make sure they know that they're loved and respected and understood. But there's no formula. It's mostly based on feel.

Mostly, I just want to tell stories.

I also appreciated JoAnn's perspective. Some of you like the sports posts. Some...don't. They're just not interested.

And believe me, there are nights I start writing and tell myself to expect a minimal audience. Those are the posts I probably write for myself or do to keep the daily habit alive. Usually, those posts get very few eyeballs on it and I have to remind myself that I don't do this for clicks.

I don't even do it for "the streak" but it is nice to honor this habit on a daily basis. 

So that's what I'm going to write about.

Tomorrow? Maybe I'll write about the football broadcast (Shelton/Fairfield Prep at 12:30 p.m.). Maybe I'll write about something deep and personal. Maybe I'll write about the cat (another popular topic).

It also might be completely nonsensical.

You never know.

I rarely know.

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