Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Another Night Off


Photo: JT (@AvengerTwitch on Twitter)

Honestly, I'm not in a great place tonight.

The holidays are bad enough as it is and I've talked about that many times.

But, yeah, things aren't great. 

So I'm asking for understanding as I take another break.

COVID might very well keep many of us home on Christmas. In my case, that will mean completely alone. Me and the cat.

I did it once before and thought -- in the moment -- that it wasn't so bad. I watched movies all day. But, as things often happen, I realized later on it was miserable. I spent part of that morning at my father (and, now, my parents' grave). I can't tell you things are that much better since that day as I walked aimlessly.

It's like what I've come to realize about the pandemic. I thought I handled it all just fine and, while maybe I did, I still dealt with a lot more than I ever realized, including concerns for my own health.

But, see, this is where I stop myself because I have critics/demons/whatever who think this is just for show. Just drama.

Oh, yeah, cool. Sure.

Anyway, I've said too much.

Until tomorrow.

Or not.

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