Thursday, December 16, 2021

Rob's Really Unfocused Thursday Night Post


I had no idea what else to use for a picture for this post

I've got a big day tomorrow of work and stuff and, well, I don't know that I feel like getting deep tonight.

Sometimes, it's tempting to stop typing right there. 

Seriously, I mean there's nothing to break down from today. I was able to do "Doubleheader" and I can probably do it again tomorrow before I work all night.

I mean, that stinks on a Friday but the money is good and I don't have to leave the house.

But, otherwise, why get deep into the weeds? That's when my brain overloads.

That's when I start writing posts of sadness or anger or resentment or whatever.

I have happy thoughts at the moment.

Without breaking it all down, it was a good -- no -- great day.

No reason is necessary.

Besides, focusing on the bad would mean dealing with...blech...COVID again.

You've probably heard about the hockey game in Montreal without fans and how "Hamilton" is going dark for a few days.

Just lots of scary and/or concerning stuff going on around us.

So, again, why dive into the deep end?

I'd rather work with gratitude in my heart tonight.

This time of the year -- and I've talked about it many times -- is tough enough. I talked with someone yesterday to try to figure out exactly what it will take to care about it again.

No tree is up here. There are minimal decorations.

Frankly, it doesn't bother Sean. Or if it bothers him he doesn't say it. In fact, well, it's not that he encourages it but he doesn't discourage it either.

What worries me is continuing the trend of saying, "OK, next year will be the year."

You know how that works. So do I.

So we start with now. 

Then tomorrow.

I want to get cranking on life again and stop feeling like the record going right round, baby, right round.

It will happen.


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