Wednesday, March 15, 2023


A deranged cat is next to me as I prepare to sleep


I'll keep this short since time isn't on my side.

"The Clubhouse" returned for its 20th year tonight and I know those of us involved are proud of it.

OK, the truth is that I haven't been involved for all 20 years. If I recall correctly I was asked to be a "presence" in 2005 but didn't really become a full part of the show until probably 2012. Still, I'm proud to be a small part of what has been accomplished.

Tonight's show featured some unknown factors and, being honest, I'm not good with unknowns. That is until it all goes well as it did tonight.

So I'm home and feel ready for next week's show.

But I also have to pull myself together for tomorrow's Hunt Scanlon conference in New York.

You see, I have to be up at 4.

Yes, a.m.

I'm truly lucky that I can get ready and walk to the train station.

And further lucky that despite Tuesday's snow, the ground here is dry.

I took Sean back to his mother's today and there's snow everywhere.

But there's a shirt to iron and a suit to put on and a train to catch.

Then I can zone out.

Then the trip to the Plaza Hotel.

And then?


I have to keep everything on schedule.

In essence, I have to be "the face" and "the voice" of the event though I don't feel that pressure. My pressure is about time.




By 4:30 tomorrow afternoon, I'll be ready for one of the following:

- a drink.

- a black-and-white cookie

- a train home.

Or all of the above.

I'll do my best. I always try. I know no other way.

The script is printed and ready. I'll review it on the train and probably in the moments before I step to the podium.

Then again, I'll step to the podium before showtime as well. In fact, I always step up, even if a mic check isn't necessary. I want to get a feel for the view of the room.

There will be a few pronunciations to review and a quick chat with the audio/visual crew and then I'll dive in.

But first I need some sleep. 

And I'm going to do that now.

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