Sunday, July 25, 2021

The potential delays (or "Night three")

Wet roads are bad for baseball

 I'm doing this early this morning.

I've already cranked out "Renegades Recap," the weekly summary of events in Gades Land that I share with Adam Marco of the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders and Marc Schwartz of the Somerset Patriots. It then gets combined into one short podcast with a report filed on the Tampa Tarpons as well, normally voiced by Joe Vasile of Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. It summarizes the week for each of the Yankees' affiliates.

Now I'm getting ready to head to Trumbull for the third day of Babe Ruth baseball. However, it's raining. Thunderstorms are in the forecast also.

That means we need to be prepared for delays and/or postponements. 

Of course, it's the nature of the beast with baseball. It happens.

Of course, I also have a 50-mile drive ahead of me and it's not fun to drive from Mahopac to Trumbull only to hear that 1) we're in some kind of delay or (worse) 2) thanks for coming but the day is postponed.

For tournament organizers that also means headaches. The same goes for participants.

The organizers now have to scurry to adjust the schedule for eight teams. The eight teams have to scurry to adjust hotels and any other travel plans. Families have to do the same, and there are the adults who have taken time off from their real lives to be a part of this tournament.

Or, as one person said to me yesterday, "I might get fired from my job..." before he laughed.

And so, I'll go through the motions. "Renegades Recap" recorded. Breakfast. Get dressed. Get on the road. Get to the park (if I don't get a text before I reach it). Write down lineups. Call the games if they start.

As always, be a good Scout and "be prepared."

I was never a Boy Scout and, yet, I'm somehow always prepared. Go figure.

The Renegades return Tuesday. Get ready for that, as I go from two Babe Ruth games (maybe) to Dutchess Stadium.

You have to be a little crazy to do what we do.

I am.

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