Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Back to College


If there's one thing I could say about my resume, it's that it is rather diverse.

Tonight, we can add "college soccer announcer." I called the matchup between Albright College and DeSales University in Center Valley, PA on MACtv.

It was a day that wouldn't qualify as a big money maker. There was lunch, dinner, gas, tolls, and so on.

But it was a day of building relationships and enjoying experiences.

With a two-hour drive ahead of us, we got on the road to Pennsylvania a little after 10 a.m. It was just after Noon when we walked into Waffle House for our breakfast for lunch."=

We walked out happily fed and went to a nearby Sheetz to pick up drinks for the game.

We were, frankly, early for the 3:30 start of the game. Very early. Even with a road closed on our drive, we were still on site two hours before game time. That normally doesn't bother me at all, especially when it's just me, but Sean was with me and, well, there was no one at the field.

We had time to waste.

The field itself was simple. There were scoreboards in each corner and bleachers across from the benches. A small shelter served as a scorer's table. Two shelters were in place for each team. The broadcast booth was a small metal platform with a set of stairs up to it. It was stable and had a weatherproof cover on it.

There was enough room for three people, with me, a cameraman, and a person running the computer and the graphics. But, to be clear, I had to stand behind the crew to call the action, which sounds worse than it was.

In fact, I had almost no problem with the view at all. My computer, however, wouldn't be used, thus I couldn't integrate Robcasting nor could I use it for research.

Instead, I relied on my phone. A lot. I also put the rosters into my binder and just held onto that. I had no table space to work with.

It was different. But it worked really well. Or maybe I should cut myself some credit and say I made it work really well. 

As I called the game from the tower, I couldn't help but notice the baseball stadium across the street. Will I get to come back and call some DeSales University Bulldogs baseball? I would say don't count that out. I made it clear I'd be very interested in that.

It seemed the university was pleased with my work today. I likely won't do any winter sports there, which always raises the competitor in me, but calling baseball there next spring would be a blast.

Before the game, Sean and I walked into the university center and found the Campus Store where I pondered various sweatshirts and other items. I think I've decided that moving forward, any school wishing to hire me should have to throw some swag into the deal. Am I serious? Semi. What would it hurt to be given a sweatshirt, polo shirt, or a nice pullover? Heck, I'm there as your broadcaster, so why not outfit me?

Besides, like the Manning brothers, I'm a sucker for a quarter-zip.

In this case, I looked at everything and decided I would only get something once I was asked to come back. I figured, at that point, there would be a relationship. Either way, I'd be proud to wear their stuff.

For the record, I've already been asked to come back but no date has been set.

While in the University Center, we also found WDSR, the campus radio station. The small studio had a tinted window with equipment inside and, while nobody was at the controls, I just liked seeing that a station existed.

With DeSales' 2-0 victory complete, I climbed down the stairs from the tower (which wasn't that high) and headed back to the car where Sean was waiting.

A nearby Wawa was our dinner place. 

The drive took a bit longer on the return trip thanks to some ill-timed construction on I-78 in New Jersey but we made it home and considered the day a big success.

A four-hour round trip isn't necessarily ideal but I think it can be done occasionally. 

And it gets me back to doing some college sports. 

We felt like we were welcomed to their campus and the experience was good.

I'm listening to the audio right now at home and I'm mostly content with the broadcast. It was my first soccer call in roughly a year and I know there was some rust but I'd like to think the audience enjoyed it.

So, yes, let's do it again.

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Kicking Into October


(Photo: DeSales University)

October is upon us and life (hopefully) will get busier from here.

See, the thing is, sure I get busy but that doesn't mean I'm always working (that is, making money). Lately, things have been a bit slim.

But it is with great hope that things will pick up a bit.

Look, I was able to pay the rent today, even if wasn't how the landlord asked me to do it. She requested I pay electronically and I'm certainly all for that but, for whatever reason, it didn't work. So, I quickly wrote a check and walked it down to the post office last night. To top it off, I included a letter apologizing for the snafu. 

They should have it by tomorrow since they live across town.

Speaking of tomorrow, Sean and I will be away for a day trip as a new enterprise awaits. Through the magic of social media, I connected with DeSales University, a college near Allentown, PA when they said they had some play-by-play openings. Always in favor of building my network, I reached out and, though it took time to find a match that works, I'll call their men's soccer match tomorrow against Albright College.

So, why?

Like I said, building my network for one thing. You never know where this crazy road can lead so I embraced the idea of the road trip. It won't be a big money maker but I'll be compensated.

Oh, yeah, did I mention there's a Waffle House 10 minutes away? I probably should have added that piece of information.

So, yeah, that's happening. And, yes, that's another part of the reason I'm all for doing this. I mean, why hide it?

But it's one of those opportunities that I take on occasionally where I can only do my best but, admittedly, don't know enough. I don't know the culture or the traditions of the university yet. I can research them, sure, but it's really only through experience that I can appreciate them. It takes time to understand a program but I'll do my best.

So there will likely be some growing pains with this experience. I'm also told that their soccer setup is awkward so I have no idea what I truly getting into. I'm not sure if I can have my computer for recording the audio either.

There is a point where the elements of reporting the game kick in. With it being a video stream, the picture does the heavy work. I take a minimalist approach in this situation.

I saw a post a week ago that chastised a broadcaster for saying too much on a video broadcast. To that, I call BS.

Context is needed.

For one thing, consider the quality of the video production. That's not a knock on anyone. That's simply reality. Sometimes it's inexperience or the quality of equipment.

I know that in so many of the games that I've done on video, my detailed play-by-play is needed. That is the truth. It's why most of what I did at the HAN Network, for instance, was a hybrid radio/TV call.

Also, consider if there is a radio/audio element. Take the Renegades, for instance. We had (and still have) a radio broadcast. Those listeners can't see the game so it was my job to give as many details as possible, despite also having a video stream available.

I realize that if all things are equal, Joe Buck isn't going to call Monday Night Football with intense detail due to the equipment, people, and volume of all that are at their disposal.

What kind of setup will I have tomorrow? Well, I'll find out. If it's one camera and that cameraman is as good as the great Gustavo I work with at Brunswick, then it will be a pretty straightforward video call. 

But these are all of the unknowns that I'll learn tomorrow.

Sean and I will get a reasonable start so we can get out to Pennsylvania for a likely late breakfast/early lunch. Then we'll go to DeSales University in Center Valley to find the field, set up, and call the match. Both teams have good records so I have high hopes for a competitive contest.

Sean will either hang out with me or find other ways to keep himself occupied. But he'll be happy with the food options, given you know we'll also add Wawa to the day.

Hoping this will all be a reward for a job well done and the beginning of a new relationship.

Watch it here.