Sunday, March 14, 2021

Quick thoughts

I pushed the trusty circa 1998 Bose Wave Radio ahead last night

I've basically been on the run since early this morning. That, of course, goes along with flipping the clocks forward.

I loved seeing that extra daylight and I'm grateful for it.

I'm also grateful for the work that I picked up today that had me back on the video depo front at 7:30 this morning.

So what I'm saying is that I just finally sat down in front of the computer just before 10 p.m. to write and, while I have things to say, the energy isn't quite there to go in-depth.

Sometimes silence is a good thing.

I'll add this. I greatly pondered a shutdown from social media and planned to do it this weekend. It's hard to talk about why without getting the, "Is it me you're talking about?" questions so I left it on the back burner.

And I don't want to have a conflict or impact anyone. So I decided it was me who needed to step away.

However, with the play-by-play idiocy out of Oklahoma, I needed to be vigilant in monitoring the Facebook group that I'm an admin for. That's not to say Shawn Sailer or Mike Hirn couldn't handle it but Mike had -- what, 30 games this weekend? 

Therefore I felt best reading all of the comments in the four threads that have been created (a bit of overkill) myself.

While it teetered on the edge of us having to get involved, none of us ever did. I had to laugh when another broadcaster felt the need to post their own writing on the topic in the group. As you probably know, we addressed it here the other night but I did not post it in the play-by-play Facebook group.

If people want to find it, they will.

I understand social media for what it is but I had hit a wall recently where I found myself saying, "Why does that bother me?" As such, I thought I'd take the weekend away. I figured I'd still write the blog but not post it on the social sites. Sure, I wouldn't have the usual audience but I could live with that.

I considered how I would handle "Doubleheader" if I took more time away, deciding that I'd probably post it on the Robcasting Facebook page (so, if you don't follow that...just saying).

However, this being the blog, I figured I could take you inside my brain. It's something I'm still pondering.

I wasn't planning any great announcement as I tend to not like those cries for attention (and I don't intend this to be that). This isn't to get anyone to beg me to stay. It's basically to just write...since that what I've been doing for years. Sort of talking out loud.

It's not because it's such a cesspool (it is) but because there's some serious obsessing going on and I needed to step away to think about why it bothered me.

Yet, for now, we're still here.

And now I'm even wondering why I said anything in the first place.


Are the Grammy's tonight? I've joined The Weeknds cause of not watching because he wasn't nominated.

Or I wasn't nominated.

Or somebody wasn't nominated.

Or I just don't care.

Probably the latter.

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