Thursday, March 04, 2021

Just watching


I watched a dumpster fire erupt on the play-by-play page on Facebook.

I've decided to post what a person wrote but won't reveal his name. So, have at it.

The post originated late last night and, by the time I woke up, I was already astounded at the ruckus it had caused.

Some 76 comments -- literally 99% ripping the original poster -- have been served up.

Let me start with my own $.02.

He's dead wrong. At least, in the way it has been presented. 

I know officials. I'm very close to a couple, in fact. When I need clarification on something, I get in touch with them.

I know officials make mistakes. Then again, so do I.

I know they know more about the situation than I do.

I also will not deny that I've criticized blown calls and certainly have little patience for those who think they're bigger than the game but most of the officials I deal with are great people.

Lastly, I'd like to think I've gotten better and more reasonable about this after all these years.

But, let's circle back to the original point: what he did was completely wrong. What he said was wrong. 


I just continue to read the comments and think to myself, "The horse is dead." 

Because it is. He was wrong. Completely, undeniably wrong and I don't know exactly how many people took time out of their day to say so.

On the other hand, it was nice to see some spice in the group as opposed to the usual "LOOK AT ME!"

Looking for another take, I texted our good friend Christopher "Kato" Kaelin and showed him the comment. Kato is an outstanding official who I respect the heck out of (one of only a few things I respect about him -- I kid!). Anyway, Kato was actually a voice of reason, saying the official was correct and that the broadcaster could have been tossed. 

I bring this up because Kato didn't say he would definitely toss him.

I suppose my biggest concern in all of this is just how woeful I am because I'm not nearly as perfect as each one of these commenters! My goodness, none of these broadcasters and wannabes have ever made a mistake! How am I so fortunate to be in the same group as them? How fortunate are each of you to share their airspace!?

See, I've made mistakes and I've noted some of them here. I've also kept some to myself.

I've dealt with things that I've said that I regretted. I've said things in the heat of the moment. I've gotten too high and mighty about things. I've been burned by open mics.

And, again, I'd like to think I've gotten better over time.

But I'd never -- like, ever -- go to some Facebook group and announce these things.

I think the commenter (and there was something similar later on that produced more rancor from the "perfect" crowd) posted with the hopes of sharing a laugh and it did not go that way at all. For sure, I repeat, he was wrong to talk to the official* and further compounded it by making a completely inappropriate comment.

* I'm not saying I've never talked to an official during an event but the circumstances will be either they've come to me or it's somebody I know.

He blew it. I can't stress that enough.

But I'd like to think each of the commenters checked their own glass house before they rounded up their stones. I'd hate to see any hypocrisy.

It feels like the whole thing made all of us look bad in a time when I continue to worry about the quality of this business.

One other thing: Did anyone think to ask for the audio of the exchange? Context is everything.

I'm glad I stuck to just watching all of this. Not that Mike Hirn and Shawn Sailer didn't get an earful from me privately about it.

Anyway, I'm going to work on being perfect for the future.

Did I mention the original poster was wrong?

Just checking.

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